Now, on the "Before I Turn 18" list I have:
- Stop being shy
- Dye my hair
- Play laser tag
- Play Paintball
- Watch a full Season of "24" in 24 hours
- Collect hard copies of all of Fall Out Boy's albums
- Start a FOB cover band
- Volunteer at an Animal Shelter
As of today, I have completed two of those things. I'm also well on my way towards a third, and fourth. What about the other four? As with most people I procrastinated, thinking I had quite a while before I need to finish them, and now time is running out for me to complete them before I turn eighteen.
I currently volunteer at an animal shelter once a week walking dogs. I dyed my hair for the first time in summer 2013 with kool aid, and in April 2014 with boxed dye. I have made a lot of progress to not being as shy, little things like dying my hair, and wearing unusual outfits, things to make me stand out so I can't be shy. I also have three of Fall Out Boy's albums on CD (I have more of them electronically).
So the list is now:
- Stop Being Shy
Dye my Hair- Play Laser Tag
- Play Paintball
- Watch a Full Season of "24" in 24 Hours
- Collect Hard Copies of All of Fall Out Boy's Albums
- Start a FOB Cover Band
Volunteer at an Animal Shelter
There are three on the list that I'm not sure I'll be able to finish. Numbers 3, 4, and 7. Though for number 7 I've considered doing a solo project, and performing at open-mic nights nearby.
My problem is time, and, in some cases, money. Mainly time. Time is the thing that none of us ever seem to have enough of, but if we don't make time for the things we love to do then what's the point? If we're not enjoying what we're doing why are we doing it? I, personally, enjoying being busy. Unfortunately, that doesn't often doesn't give me time outside my schedule for things like Paintball.
Unless online Paintball counts, I'm going to have to get busy planning! Hopefully, I'll be able to finish this section of my list, soon. It's only eight items, how hard can it be? (Famous last words)